Friday, June 13, 2014

New Student Orientation: Welcome Class of 2018!

Hi Mounties! Well, the lovely founder of The Mountie Guide, Briana Bayer, has finally packed up her things in Mansfield and is off adventuring in the next phase of her life. I'd like to say congratulations on graduating, Bri, and thank you again for giving me this opportunity to keep the Guide going. 
Keep and eye out for an introductory post from me in the near future!  
- Erica

I'm staying in Mansfield this summer and working as the student worker for the Counseling and Learning Center in South Hall. Yesterday, I realized that a New Student Orientation happening and thought what a prime opportunity to meet some new students as well as a summer post for the blog! So, I grabbed a note pad and ran over to Manser during my lunch break to do some mini interviews. 

Let's welcome some new students!

Name: Lindsay Vincent
Major: Undeclared
Hometown: Towanda, Pa 
What brought her to MU: "Its close to home, I like the campus, and they have great nursing program I'm hoping to get into!"
What she's most excited for: Meeting new people
What she's most nervous for: Hard classes
Her favorite thing so far about Orientation: "I love how friendly everyone is and all of the information."

(I love how Lindsay already had on some Mountie gear!)

Name: Elizabeth Deuel
Major: Forensic Science 
Hometown: Jersey Shore, Pa 
What brought her to MU: "Its one of the only schools around that had my major. Its also close to home."
What she's most excited for: Meeting new people and the freedom
What she's most nervous for: Keeping up with her chemistry classes
Her favorite thing so far about Orientation: "Eating! I was so hungry! And getting my schedule."

Name: Kierstin Goodby
Major: Undeclared
Hometown: Jersey Shore, Pa
What brought her to MU: "I have a lot of friends who go here and I've met some really nice alum who liked it here!"
What she's most excited for: Meeting new people, being on her own from her parents
What she's most nervous for: Keeping up with classes, having enough free time away from schoolwork
Her favorite thing so far about Orientation: "Getting to know people! And everyone has been so friendly today!"

Elizabeth, left, and Kierstin, right.

Brian Kircher; transfer student
Major: Criminal Justice
Hometown: Perkasie, Pa
What brought him to MU: "I know the area pretty well; my grandmother has a house close to here so I've been coming up this way for years."
What he's most excited for: Being in a new place, being able to meet new people, and doing something different with his life
What he's most nervous for: Exams - since they're such a big part of the course grade
His favorite thing so far about Orientation: "How helpful everyone is and how nothing is confusing. Even my schedule is nice and easy to read."

Additionally, I was able to chat with an Orientation Ambassador.
Name: Cody Carlson
Major: Communications
Year: Junior
Hometown: Elmira, NY
His favorite thing about orientation: "I love introducing all of the new students to MU and helping to get them antiquated with campus."
How he got involved with being an Ambassador: "My mom was one when she went here so I was sort of born into it. My leaders were great during my orientation they made me want to be the same way. They really made my transition great and I want to help do the same for the new freshman." 

Cody, right, with Assistant Director of Admissions, 
Matt Guagiardo, left. 

To see what the new students did during their orientation, you can check out the first year students schedule here and the transfer students schedule here. Or if you wanted to just check out the New Student Orientation homepage, you can do that here, as well as the Admissions home page here! Is that enough here's? 

1 comment:

  1. Cody Carlson once spent a summer in Kentucky in complete silence just so he could better understand the sound of a whisper.
