Saturday, February 8, 2014

Friday Five: The Five Most Unique Organizations at MU

Hey Mounties! I thought it would be cool to feature some of the most unique clubs here at Mansfield University. One of the things I love most at MU is how you can be creative and start your own club. You get the chance to be the leader of something where at another school, you might not have that chance. Here's five different clubs and organizations that aren't your typical extracurricular activity. If they sound interesting to you, make sure to check them out!

Hula Hoop Club: The Hula Hoop Club is still pretty new to Mansfield. They started in Fall 2013 and are still growing. During their meetings, they dance and learn how to use their hoops in different ways. Rose Boone, Hula Hoop Club founder, helps the members improve on how they work with their hoops and also shows them some cool new tricks that might work well for them, individually. Hooping isn't just a fun activity, but can be used for exercise and ways to express your creativity through dance.

This semester, the Hula Hoop Club is planning some fun activities like flash mobs, a springtime celebration, and a hoop sale. "Hooping has changed my life and my perspective on it so radically that I can't help but want to share it with everyone!", said Boone.

Meetings: Sundays at 7 p.m. in KFC (Group Fitness Room)

Nerf Club: The Mansfield University Nerf Club is a student-run organization that is known for putting on events such as Humans Vs. Zombies and The Hunger Games. Humans Vs. Zombies is a glorified game of tag played for a week and a half using NERF Blasters, Socks, and Marshmallows.

Apart from Humans Vs. Zombies, the Nerf Club puts on events such as The Hunger Games. The Hunger Games lasts all day and pits students against each other in order to recreate the novels and films.

If you would like to join the Nerf Club or would like any further information, feel free to contact any of the following officers through your student email: President, Dylan Krall; Vice President, Dan D'Amato; Secretary, Seth Lomas; Treasurer, Zach Rossetti.

Meetings: Saturdays at 8 p.m. outside of Jazzmans in Alumni Hall

Horn Club: The Mansfield University Horn Club is a small club on campus that supports the students of the MU Horn Ensembles and strives to promote "knowledge about the Horn and its literature." (International Horn Society)

During their meetings, they use the time to talk about upcoming events, fundraising, and opportunities for their ensemble (competitions, recitals, etc.) They also use that time to rehearse for upcoming gigs and volunteer opportunities.

Make sure to LIKE their Facebook page!

Meetings: Tuesdays at 12 p.m. in Butler Music Center

Garden Club: The MU Gardening Club is starting its second semester here at Mansfield University. Their mission is to promote and facilitate a more natural lifestyle for students and the community through research, sustainable practice, projects and community building.

They are always looking for opportunities for students within the community. Their current project this semester involves developing on land granted to the club into a student-community garden and recreation focal point. Their other current project consists of researching and building small scale aquaponics systems.

Every Thursday (Activity Day), members dedicate some of their free time throughout the day to help progress the club. They will also have their club organizational meetings once or twice a month on Thursdays as well.

The Garden Club already has their first step in the door and they're looking for others to help them take the second. Help them build a stronger community and attain a more natural lifestyle through something as fundamental as growing food.

Any questions, comments, concerns, praise, interest, opportunities, may be directed to Garden Club President, Troy Swank, at Check out their Facebook GROUP for more information!

Meetings: First meeting will be on Thursday, February 13, at 4 p.m. in Alumni 307

Mansfield University Fire Ferret's Quidditch: The Mansfield University Fire Ferrets, founded in fall 2013, are Mansfield's internationally-competing quidditch team. Quidditch is a full-contact, co-ed collision sport played by over 1,000 teams across the world, in countries that include Australia, Argentina, France, Belgium, the United States, and the United Kingdom. All matches, tournaments, and games (including the annual Quidditch World Cup) are overseen by the International Quidditch Association (IQA). 

Quidditch teams are typically composed of 21 players. Though only seven players can be on the pitch at a time, due to the physical nature of quidditch, the remaining 14 players 'sub in' to give tired or injured players a break. 

There are four primary positions on the pitch: seeker, keeper, chaser, or beater. To an uneducated spectator, the chaos of a quidditch match can be overwhelming. Six chasers (three per team, each wearing a white headband) pass a partially-deflated volleyball to each other and attempt to get past the opposing team's keeper (wearing a green headband). The chasers must also get past the other team's two beaters (in black), who compete with the opposing team's beaters for majority control of the three parially-deflated dodgeballs (bludgers). The game ends when one of the two seekers (in gold headbands) snatch the snitch from the shorts of the snitch runner. 

The snitch is one of the multiple 'non-player' positions on the Fire Ferrets. Snitches need to be fast, able to run long distances without getting tired, and be decent grapplers, as snitching requires a lot of physical contact with the seekers. 

The Fire Ferrets host practices 12 hours a week. During the week, practices are held inside KFC. Weekend practices are also held in KFC, but will change location in Spring. On Mondays, conditioning practice is held from 7-7:30 pm. On Tuesdays, chaser practice is from 7:00 to 8:15. Wednesdays are beater practice from 7-8:15. Friday nights are seeker practice (6-7pm) and team practice (7:00-8:15). Saturdays at 1 feature another beater practice, and Sunday at 1 a chaser practice. Saturday and Sunday Team practices are held from 2-4pm. The Fire Ferrets also run regularly in groups ranging from 1-6 members. 

Lastly, make sure to LIKE their Facebook page!

Potential players for the fire ferrets should contact the team at

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