(Borrowed from Buzzocracy)
Happy Friday, Mounties! Since Melissa's Mountie Monday was really popular, I figured I would ask her to help me out with this week's Friday Five post.
No matter what college you attend, the Freshman 15 is definitely a possibility. You're living on your own, choosing what to eat and what not to eat and your parents are no where in sight. If we wanted to, we could literally eat ice cream for every single meal without our parents knowing. That kind of freedom comes with some responsibility if you don't want to gain the freshman 15, though. Here's some tips that Melissa and I came up with to help keep off the freshman 15.
1. Take one plate at a time and eat in moderation:
When you're in Upper Manser, there's an endless supply of food for you. Chances are, you're grabbing more than one plate of food because you can. There's also those days where Manser has all of your favorite foods... all at once! I swear... I think they plan that. Anyway, it's totally okay to grab some of your favorite foods as long as you don't overdo it. You need to treat yourself once in a while!
2. Ditch the Mountie and walk to class:
On days like today, when it's wet and cold, I know how tempting it is to take the Mountie to class. Class seems so far away, especially if you live in Spruce, but taking that 10-15 minute walk to class really helps! With the hills and steps that you probably need to take in order to get to class, you shouldn't have much trouble keeping off those freshman 15.
3. Don't skip breakfast:
You've probably heard before that "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" and whether it is or not, it still has some awesome benefits. Eating breakfast gives your body the fuel it needs to continue on with the day. According to fitsugar.com, eating breakfast helps your metabolism start up for the day and keeps you from being extremely hungry to the point of making bad choices for lunch and dinner.
4. Play an intramural sport or attend a group fitness class:
I, personally, think nothing is more boring than being on the elliptical for an hour. If you enjoy it, then that's awesome but if you feel the same as I do, you should try out an intramural sport or group fitness class. There are so many options on campus for staying fit so why not have fun with it? Check out Kelchner Fitness Center's Facebook Page for more details.
5. Eat small snacks in between meals:
Melissa suggests eating small snacks in between classes like some baby carrots and hummus or a banana. These small snacks will keep you from overindulging during lunch and dinner and will keep your metabolism moving!
Do you have some tips to contribute to this topic? Leave a comment down below and share it!
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