Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday Five: Five Things You Might Not Know About Your Student Government Association

After publishing a certain Mountie Monday post last week, there were some speculations about any biases this blog might have and how that isn't fair. I would like to say that I try to remain as unbiased as possible while writing The Mountie Guide. Of course, sometimes biases peek through my writing but I would like to remind you all... I'm not writing for a newspaper. I'm encouraged to let my personality shine through my writing for this blog since it provides some authenticity. With that said, I would like to apologize for any misunderstandings in the past and continue to shine some light on the awesome students and organizations at MU.

After chatting with Colton Long (Parliamentarian) and Cole Black (Director of Public Relations) for a few weeks, I've come to discover that SGA does a lot more for the university than I imagined! It was really difficult trying to choose five "things" for this post but hopefully the five I've chosen will help enlighten you as well! For more information on SGA, feel free to visit their website, stop by during their office hours (listed on their website), or shoot them an email at

(Photo credit: Joshua Gibson)

Office Hours: All executive board members of SGA are required to complete a certain amount of office hours per week. President, Vice President and Treasurer have to complete a total of ten hours per week. Secretary, Director of Public Relations, Parliamentarian, and Director of Information and Technology all have to complete a total of five hours per week. During these office hours, the executive board members are needed to answer any questions that students may have about certain situations or MU in general.

Meetings: The number of meetings that SGA has to attend blew my mind. The number of meetings they have to attend differs each week, but on average, they have to attend around seven meetings per week (for different causes), not including their weekly SGA meeting. Each week they are required to hold a regular meeting for SGA and two different committee meetings. All executive board members are also required to meet with Dr. Bridges, Dean of Students, once a week. Some examples of the other meetings they have to attend are committee meetings for the planning of 1890's, Family Weekend, and the Light It Up football game.

Retrenchment Rally: If you don't know about the retrenchment rally, check out this article from the Flashlight, HERE. SGA partnered with unions to plan the the rally in Harrisburg where MU students and the MU Choir went to voice their opinions about the cuts to our university. Not only does SGA care about their fellow students, but they also care about the faculty. How could you not when you go to MU, though? Without SGA, who knows if some of our faculty would've been saved from the cuts?

Safety: SGA has been on night walks with the campus police to help ensure the safety of our campus. During these walks, they point out anything that MU should help with in order to keep our campus the safest in Pennsylvania. For example, if a sidewalk is uneven and they feel it would be hazardous to students, they'll encourage MU to correct that flaw.

Sayre: Last, but definitely not least, is the formation of the Health Sciences Student Government Association (HSSGA). SGA helped the students studying in Sayre form their own SGA since they're not within a short distance of MU. With forming their own SGA, the quality of living in Sayre has started to greatly improve and a percentage of student activity fees are given to help them continue improving their facilities.

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